Sunday, June 1, 2014


Moving Day again.  This time west into Idaho, where Lewiston is our destination.  We got packed up and are gone by 9 am.  We go back through Missoula via MT 200 and on I-90, turn south on US 93 to US 12 at Lolo, where we turn west.  The first few miles were sort of uneventful, except where some very brave fireman had saved a bunch of structures at the base of some very burned out hills.  These are the foothills of the Bitterroot Mountains, and as we climb, the scenery becomes absolutely stunning.  It is not very long and we crossed the Idaho/Montana line, which is known as Lolo Pass, elevation 5235 feet.  The Visitor's Center is still closed, there is still a lot of snow in the parking lot, and there is Spring road repairs under way, to fix the road in anticipation for the summer.  We stopped and took some pictures and then headed down the mountain.  The next 3+ hours were without a doubt the most beautiful ride so far of our almost 2 months on the road.  This 2 lane road follows the Lochsa River until Kooskia, where the S. Fork of the Clearwater joins in, and on its trek west, several other rivers join in, and when it gets to just west of Orofino it becomes the Clearwater and flows west to Lewiston, where it flows into the Snake.  It is an incredible ride.  I am guessing, but not exaggerating too much, when I estimate there are over 2000 turns in that slightly more than 240 miles.  Driving a motor home towing our car was quite a workout, but I am loving every minute of it...amazing!!  We stopped several times to take pictures and just move around a little bit.  Barbara hasn't left her seat since Lolo Pass, it is a very beautiful trip.  The Lochsa is just raging, rapids too strong for rafting and no place slow enough to enter or take out a raft, so it is just us watching it and me trying to not run off the road.  Near Lowell, we finally see a few rafts and kayaks, and are they having fun.  We stopped and took their picture, having an absolute blast.  Our motor home is perfect for this ride, short wheelbase, compression engine brake, auxiliary brakes on the car,  a perfect package.  It was actually fun to drive down that hill, turns, hills, guard rails & all.  The road isn't very wide either...Barb is telling me I am doing fine :)

We follow the river all the way to Lewiston and find our camp ground, Hells Gate Camp Ground along the Snake River, just north of Hells Canyon.  We get checked in and find our site...seems the decision to move has been clearly an excellent one.  Our camper is sitting in the shade, almost perfectly level, our dish picks up a great signal, we have 4 bars of cell service, we can see the Snake River, and we less than a mile from where we are to meet our boat on Sat.  Fewer decisions will prove to end up that different from what we were looking at from Salmon Lake.  I am sitting outside, in the shade with the TV on watching a little of the Sprint Cup Race, and typing on my laptop at our picnic table...can't get much is a beautiful afternoon.  Tomorrow is a another day, and a new adventure.  Stay tuned.

Steve & Barb Larson

Some firefighters did a great job

Lots of snow up here too

At the State Line at Lolo Pass

Not even close to be open yet for the season

Along the Losha River on US 12

US 12 in Idaho

Losha River

Group having a blast on the Losha River

As the rivers start to collect

South Fork of the Clearwater River

Along the Clearwater on US 12

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