Wednesday, July 2, 2014


We all gathered (all 48 of us) at the Mile 0 Marker in Dawson Creek at 9 am for a group photo and then a bit of time to visit the downtown area, including the art museum and the Visitor’s Center.  The rest of the day was ours, so we spent the best part of it looking for someone to look at our brake issue (no luck) and trying to find the parts to patch a small crack in the shower (no luck there either).  Then we took a ride up the Alaska Highway to see one of the original bridges still standing across the Kiskatinaw River since 1942.  No motor homes are allowed, so we drove the car and drove across it.  Sort of fun to see stuff like that.  We also did some grocery shopping and went back & sat around and made S’mores around a fire & told more stories.

Steve & Barb Larson

The sunset at 1045 at night

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