Friday, September 19, 2014

9/17/2014 (cont)

From Dead Horse Point, we drove back to US 191 and turned south to Arches National Park.  The only disappointment was that the Visitor's Center had already closed.  But we went for a drive anyway and as we made our way to the end of the Park, the sun was getting low and close to setting, which gave the formations a very cool color and the shadows became very dramatic as we went.  We drove & walked and took pictures until we ran out of light...and drove back to Green River in the dark, again.  The days aren't long enough anymore, what a difference since we were in Homer, AK.

We have a lot more pictures, but this is a good example of what we saw.  Check out the sunset we saw as the sun sank behind the mountains...and then it got dark real quick.

We are moving east tomorrow...Longmont, CO is our destination.  I have done what I can to the cooling system in the motor home engine...tomorrow will tell the tale, lots of big climbs coming up.

Steve & Barb Larson

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