Thursday, September 4, 2014


We spent 3 nights at Catfish Junction.  There was hardly anyone else there, something that surprised us given that it was Labor Day weekend.  The owners said it was because the river was so low.  The boat ramp is not usable because of the low river level, so they go somewhere else.  The scenery was nothing to speak about either.

Sunday, we just hung out.  Barb got the laundry caught up, I got this blog caught up and I did pork in the crock pot for dinner.  We watched the race on TV and just took it easy.  We both needed a day like this.

Monday, we went for a ride.  First stop is Nyssa, OR, self proclaimed Thunderegg Capital of the World.  Here is a link if you are wondering what a Thunderegg is. We looked high & low for a place to find thundereggs...nothing.  We stopped at the local Visitor's Center, closed for the holiday.  We missed the Thunderegg Days celebration by 3 weeks, but no other info available, so we moved on.  We drove north to New Meadows, ID and marveled at all the traffic (many towing camping trailers or boats) headed south, having spent the long weekend camping up in the mountainous lake region north of Boise.  The road follows the Payette River so it is very scenic.  At New Meadows, we turned back south, following the Weiser River back to the Snake.  We stopped & picked up a few groceries and headed back to the camper.  We have been talking and have decided to move tomorrow, mostly because of all the bugs that come out at dusk and the complete lack of scenery.  So we left a day early.

The move from Catfish Junction to Massacre Rocks State Park is nearly 300 miles, all of it on Interstate. This is the first major Interstate drive since June, so we both are a bit bored by it.  But the road is good and we make it by mid afternoon, get set up.  We drove into American Falls and get the car looked at...front brakes making noise that they shouldn't be making.  They determine it needs a brake job on the front so we make an appointment for tomorrow.  We stopped & got a pizza and headed back to the camper.

I was off early to get the brakes fixed on the car.  They turned the rotors & put new pads on and rotated the tires...all seems well.  I went back and picked up Barb and we drove to Pocatello to get the keyless entry fob repaired too.  We had lunch and drove around in Pocatello and back to American Falls.  We also went on a drive south...our GPS took us on a wild goose chase, but we got home before dark.  We then came back and did some planning for the next few days...lots of scenery to explore in the area.  Now that the car is fixed, we will do some serious exploration, so stand by.  The next few days will be beautiful.

Steve & Barb Larson

The road to Nyssa

Thunderegg Capitol of the World?

Scenery along the Payette River

Our view from Catfish Junction

I-84 east of Boise

At least the birds like the Gas Line crossing

American Falls on the Snake River
Lots of wind turbines out here

The road south from Massacre Rocks

The Snake near American Falls

A little humor...The North Pole

Sunset over the Snake River near our camp site

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