Saturday, August 2, 2014


It was moving day again, this time with a twist.  We left the campground about 1000 am and only drove about 4 miles to the staging area to get loaded onto Ferry Malaspina, a proud member of the Alaska Ferry System.  We are going to take 3 hours to get loaded for an 1.5 hour ride to Skagway.  We will stay here 2 nights with a train ride tomorrow and also another show...TBD.

The boat ride was fun, the loading, unloading and movement & setup at the nearby campground was a bit of a crazy time.  But we are here, and tomorrow will be our last night in Alaska, so we are determined to make the most of it.  It has been an amazing 28 days in Alaska, along with 17 days in Canada to get to Alaska. We have 14 days left of this trip...doesn't seem possible it is almost over.

We all ate tacos for supper and then had our driver's meeting for our 160 mile trip to Teslin, YT on Sunday.

Steve & Barb Larson
Getting ready to load the ferry

Watching the proceedings

Our house is on the boat


Pretty tight quarters
Cruise ship leaving town

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