Friday, July 4, 2014


Moving day again, Teslin to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.  This was a pretty short drive (106 miles) and we got an early start hoping to get someone to look at our dying refrigerator.  About a 1/2 hour into the trip, we get gassed with ammonia from the refrig, something has completely failed. So we stopped and opened a roof vent  and the fan, my eyes were starting to water.  As we continued, the smell lessened, and it is surmised that the thing is now not worth fixing.  Hoping to get someone to look at it is either very important or not important at all. We stopped and took everything out and packed it on ice in our large cooler and carried on.  When we arrived in Whitehorse, it was confirmed that everything is closed to celebrate Canada Day.  The drive was once again very pretty.  So we went to the campground and got settled.  We are here for 2 days.

First things, first.  A guy stopped to fix the chip in the windshield from a rock...$68 and a lot less hassle than a new windshield.  I got 10 days of stuff posted on this blog and got almost caught up.  And I kept making ice and distributing it in 3 coolers...that goodness for the ice maker.

Then we had a catered dinner, our drivers meeting and then a ride to town for a Frantic Follies show...2 hours of silliness.  Then it is back to the camper for some sleep, it has been a very busy day.

Steve & Barb Larson

The view from our camper in the morning

The bridge into Teslin

Our spot in the camp ground in White Horse

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